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We welcome you to join us on Sundays for:
Word & Worship - 11.00am - 12.30pm
Refreshments served from 10.45am
Our main service begins with a time of corporate worship including communion, it is followed by a time of Bible based teaching.
Children and Youth
During the adult message, there are programmed activities for children aged 3-10yrs (Kingdom Kids) and for young teens, 11-15yrs (TfC). (#1 #2 see below)
A creche space is available for babies and toddlers
(The weekly adult message is recorded and can be downloaded here.)
#1 On the first Sunday of the month we have:
Communion -10.00am - 10.45am
All age worship - 11.00 - 12.15
This is an all-age programme of Morning worship, where we all stay together for the service. (This is usually followed by a Fellowship meal)
#2 The church has an active Safeguarding Policy regarding children, young people and vulnerable adults.
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